
Office Market Study (General) – An office market study is a report that is generated in order to understand the market dynamics of a project or market. LOGAN offers office market studies to clients, and often works with developers or owners who want to understand how the project will perform in terms of rental rate, rental rate growth, absorption, and vacancy, among other factors. In order to analyze the property correctly, it is important to define the subject market or competitive set correctly. This is done by deeply understanding the physical characteristics and submarket dynamics.

LOGAN has an experienced team of market consultants who have experience producing market studies for some of the most important investors and developers in Latin America.


Analysis of supply and demand of an office project or market based on the following factors or characteristics:

Class – A, B, C

Type of Project – Master Plan, office complex, corporate office tower, mixed-use project, office warehouses

Building Height – Low-rise, mid-rise, high-rise

Model of Ownership – owner-user, sole owner, multi-owned

Type of Project – Build-to-suit, speculative,

Type of User – Corporate, BPO, co-working

Location – office corridor, outside corridor, suburban


– Subject analysis – location, physical characteristics, zoning restrictions

– Market definition – market of the subject, and comparable projects

– Supply analysis – the existing space in the market and the new supply being delivered

– Demand analysis – absorption, vacancy, rents, employment, space per employee

– Balance of supply and demand – equilibrium, over-supplied, under supplied

– Capture rate – benchmarking


– Interviews with clients and project participants

– Property inspection – internal and external

– Identification of primary and secondary sources of information

– Collection and processing of data and information

– Interviews, surveys, and conversations with market participants

– Presentation of results and report,


Depending on the needs of the client, below are the different types of office market studies and related studies that are offered by LOGAN:

– Demand analysis (MAP Report)

– Rent Analysis

– Highest and Best Use Analysis



– Colombia

– Peru

– Mexico

– Central America – Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador