Retail Market Study – the study of a retail project or submarket with the purpose to determine market or project conclusions. In Latin America, LOGAN has performed retail market studies for entire projects or components of shopping centers such as for anchor tenants. LOGAN has completed retail market studies in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Costa Rica.
Typically, clients intend to determine or project the following: rents, rental growth, vacancy, absorption, sales, and other inputs, which could be important when determining project feasibility. It is important to understand that retail assets, such as shopping centers have very different components which command different rents and generate different sales as well. In order to perform a retail market study correctly, components of the shopping must be studied independently – and as a component of a broader project (shopping centers).
Analysis of the supply and demand of a retail project or market based on the following:
Shopping Center – Super region, regional, community, neighborhood, convenience, power center, lifestyle, outlet, theme, airport
Street Retail – Anchor space, stand-alone, shop space in a mixed-use project
Property Ownership Model – Single-owner, multi-owner
Type of Tenants – Supermarkets, department stores, home stores, clothing stores, shoes and accessories, restaurants, cafes, banks, bookstores, technology stores
– Analysis of the Subject Property – location, physical characteristics (floors, layout, anchors, size), zoning
– Market Definition – this is often done using ‘drive time’
– Supply Analysis – what competitive retail space is current on the market (inventory), and what will be delivered in the future?
– Balance of Supply and Demand – equilibrium, over-supplied, under-supplied
– Capture Rate (benchmarking)
– Analysis of Sales as % of Rent
Interview with client and project participants including retailersInspection of the property – internal and external
Identification of the primary and secondary sources of market information. In retail market studies, the sources of information are very limited. Often, primary research is needed to be completed.
Collection, processing, and analysis of data
Presentation of the report, and resolution of client questions and changes
Depending on the client needs and the specific scope of the report, below are the subtypes of retail market studies offered:
Demand Analysis (MAP Report) – a market study that is focused on a retail asset. It studies demand and supply of the competitive set, in order to predict performance metrics.
Rent Analysis – a shorter report focused on determining or projecting the rents and rental growth of a retail asset
Highest and Best Use Report – used to study and determine the optimal use of a land parcel or asset with redevelopment potential.
– RICS IPMS (Technical)
– Colombia
– Peru
– Mexico
– Centroamérica – Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador